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Neighbourhood with character

Where the true heart of Berlin beats: hardly any district of the city presents such a multi-faceted and endearing impression as Kreuzberg. Situated at the heart of the city’s centre and with some 160,000 residents, the district beckons shoppers and browsers alike – with attractions such as a visit to Markthalle 9 or Bergmannstrasse. Those seeking peace and quiet can enjoy a voyage of discovery in the green areas such as Viktoriapark, which contains one of the highest natural elevations in the inner city, the actual Kreuzberg. In the district named after this 66 metre hill, quality of life merges with culture and shopping sprees with pleasure. Nobody needs to leave this neighbourhood. After all, Kreuzberg has its very own life and has no comparison anywhere in the world.

Central and surrounded by greenery

Yorckstrasse links the districts of Schöneberg and Kreuzberg. With a small kink it borders the 31.5-hectare Park am Gleisdreieck and the newly developed local residential area before leading into the lively Mehringdamm. Viktoriapark and Bergmannkiez are just a short walk away.

This street has a grand story to tell: twenty historic railway bridges and the unique Wilhelminian district of Riehmers Hofgarten are among the landmarks of Yorckstrasse. Steeped in the past, this street combines a cosy atmosphere with urban flair.
